Roche Diagnostics søker norsktalende Technical Specialist til sitt internasjonale supportsenter i England.

  • England
  • Denne stillingen er besatt

Nettside roche Roche Diagnostics

Roche Diagnostics, the world’s leading health supplier in In-Vitro Diagnostics. Our UK Diagnostics business, headquartered in Burgess Hill, West Sussex, employs approximately 560 highly skilled individuals. We provide the industry’s broadest range of diagnostics and monitoring products & services, spanning all sectors of the market: from small hand held devices used directly by patients or healthcare professionals, to large diagnostic instruments found in hospital laboratories.

Har du erfaring som Serviceingeniør / Servicetekniker og ønsker å jobbe i utlandet?

For å ivareta sine kunder i Norge søker Roche Diagnostics nå etter 2 norsktalende Technical Specialists som skal sikre det nødvendige servicetilbudet på maskinvare og programvaresystemer innenfor en av de følgende produktgruppene – Sentraliserte løsninger (CS) /  Point of Care (POC) / Roche Molecular Solutions (RMS)

Det regionale supportsenteret holder til i fantastiske omgivelser i Burgess Hill som ligger mellom London og Brighton.

Du vil være en del av det norske supportteamet og en del av et internasjonalt team som supporterer UK, Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og Sør-Afrika.

Vi søker deg som ønsker å utvikle deg ved å jobbe internasjonalt. Du vil få “state of the art” opplæring på Roche sine maskiner.

Du vil få jobbet med Roche Tissue Diagnostics, verdens ledende​ leverandør av automatiserte diagnostiske systemer til det anatomiske patologimarkedet. Stillingen er kontorbasert i Burgess Hill (West Sussex, Storbritannia). ​Roche sine histologiske instrumenter og reagenssystemer brukes i klinisk histologiske, cytologiske og legemiddelforskningslaboratorier over hele verden. Gjennom automatisering og systemintegrasjon,​ standardiserer og optimaliserer Roche Tissue-instrumentene prosesser som hjelper patologer med behandlingsløsninger som gir overlegen pasientbehandling.

Våre kunder består av sykehusbaserte histologiske laboratorier, uavhengige referanselaboratorier, medisinske forskningssentre og laboratorier fra de største legemiddel- og bioteknologiske selskapene i verden.

​Oppgavene av denne ​stillingen vil være å gi teknisk og vitenskapelig telefonstøtte til kunder og Roche kolleger eksternt​. Du vil vil gi support på Roche Tissue Diagnostics​ sin​ portefølje av instrumenter og reagenser hovedsaklig til våre norske kunder.

Hvem er du?

Den ideelle kandidaten innehar en bachelor i ingeniørfag eller en utdannelse innen elektronikk.
Du har erfaring innen diagnostisk industri eller fra sykehus som som serviceingeniør / servicetekniker med store maskiner
Har du kompetanse innen medisinsk biokjemi, molekylær diagnostikk og vevsdiagnostikk blir det verdsatt.

Du må beherske norsk og engelsk.

Roche Diagnostics tilbyr gode vilkår og en spennende internasjonal arbeidsplass hvor du kan utvikle deg. Firmaet vil bistå deg i flytteprosessen og de første 3 månedene med innkvartering.

Ytterligere informasjon:

Ta kontakt med André Borka +47 90831871 i Borka Consulting som bistår Roche med rekrutteringen.
Vennligst send din CV til
Alle henvendelser behandles konfidensielt.
(Telefon)intervjuer holdes fortløpende, så vis din interesse snarest mulig!

global awards Roche

Full stillingsbeskrivelse:

Regional Customer Support Center – Technical Specialist for Norway & UK

This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced biomedical scientist or engineer to join Roche Diagnostics, the world’s leading health supplier in In-Vitro Diagnostics.

This is an exciting opportunity to join Roche Tissue Diagnostics, the world’s leading supplier of automated diagnostic systems to the anatomical pathology market. The position is office based in Burgess Hill (West Sussex, United Kingdom). Our histology instrument and reagent systems are used in clinical histology, cytology, and drug discovery laboratories around the globe. Through automation and systems integration, Roche Tissue instruments are standardizing and optimizing the slide staining process, thereby helping pathologists recommend treatment solutions that deliver superior patient care.

Our customers consist of hospital-based histology labs, independent reference labs, medical research centres, and drug discovery laboratories of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the world.

The Regional Customer Support Centre (RCSC) in Burgess Hill, UK, provides technical and scientific support to our customer base across the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

The scope of this role will be to provide technical and scientific telephone support to customers and Roche colleagues remotely for Roche Tissue Diagnostics portfolio of instruments and reagents primarily to our Norwegian and English speaking customers (Norwegian, UK / Ireland / South Africa).

Main Function of the Job:

The Technical Specialist will provide support in the following key result areas:

  1. Handling of customer and staff enquiries, via phone or in the written form
  2. Identification and troubleshooting of complex issues
  3. Conducting and design of customer and staff training
  4. Information and knowledge transfer
  5. On-site service activities – supporting field-based technical support and sales personnel
  6. To undertake all tasks and responsibilities detailed in the Job Description and described in the «Specific responsibilities»

Specific responsibilities

1: Handling of customer and staff enquiries


  • Processing customer enquiries and troubleshooting
  • Processing staff enquiries
  • Identification or product quality issues and escalation to the next level of skill and / or specialism
  • Identification of customer and / or laboratory organization issues and development of appropriate action plans
  • Use of remote service for diagnostic support
  • Documentation with CRM system
  • Handling of simple customer complaints including communication with customers and Roche colleagues
  • Evaluation work in CSC laboratory to assist troubleshooting
  • To provide out of hours telephone support, if required

2: Identification and troubleshooting of complex issues


  • Handling of complaints in cooperation with 2nd Level support (including communication with customers and colleagues
  • Monitoring and escalation of complaints
  • Identification of complex, intermittent or infrequent failures

3: Conducting and design of customer and staff training

Perform trainings for Roche systems with agreed concepts and documentation

4: Information and knowledge transfer


  • Publishing customer and staff directed information via dedicated information channels
  • Organization and implementation of technical meetings for staff and customers
  • Support of software and / or hardware updates and modifications
  • Coordination of service-related topics of product launches including MCE and FCM
  • Review of documentation for system launches and adjustment to customer needs
  • Process and product quality monitoring using specific metrics
  • Assisting the sales process with tender responses

5: On-site service activities


  • Troubleshooting on-site following discussions with field support representatives
  • On-site service activities including maintenance, correctives and installations, following consultation with field support representatives
  • Handling complex system installations
  • Handling new system installations
  • Configuration of installed systems and application of test parameters
  • Conducting initial customer trainings using standard concepts and documentation
  • Performing system presentations
  • Assistance for sales with customer meetings contributing product and laboratory organization knowledge

6: To undertake all tasks and responsibilities detailed in the Job Description and described in the Specific responsibilities

  • To lead, promote and communicate on Health and Safety matters ensuring safety standards are met and carry out responsibilities laid out in HS-01-04 (Health and Safety Manual)
  • Ensure that training is undertaken to develop an awareness of IT security and governance with specific reference to patient identifiable data (PID) and to operate in line with local information security standards, local policies and processes, and the Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • Perform role and associated service activities professionally and in line with company expectations, taking ownership at all times on the service offering that Roche provides to its customer(s), and align outcomes with appropriate and relevant customer measures

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